Simple way how to make a website part 1: blogger

Nowadays, the internet has been our daily needs. So many things we can get just by "googling" with our cellphone or laptop.
It's maybe because everyone can create their own content on the internet, so there are soo many topics and content available that we can read, for free!!

And now you can also create your own website, or people call it blog. Just like your daily note or diary, but everyone could read it, and comment on it.

So, how is the simple way (and free!!) to make your own website?

There are soooo many ways, but since we would make it simple, then we will only try two ways of them. Here they are.

Using, just like the article you are reading on! is a blogging platform own by Google, so it make sense that it's very reliable! And of course easy (and Free) to use.
First, you need to own a Google account, which normally people already have one, especially if you are an android phone user. If you already have one, please proceed to the Second section.

But just in case you don't have any google account yet, please create one using this link. And follow the steps.
1. Fill in all the required form
then click "Next", and fill in the next form.
you can ignore the "Recovery email address" if you don't have another email, but if you do I urge you to enter it. Just in case you forgot your google account password, it will very helpful.
Then press "Next" to this:
I would recommend you click the Send button, to verify your phone number (make sure you entered the correct number), but if you don't want to verify, just click the "Not now" button.
But if you do click the "Send", please look at the next picture.

Check your phone, and find the code from google in the text message. You should find something like this.
And put it in the next form
and click verify.

Just scroll down and click every blue button that comes up.

And voila.. you already have (another) google account!

And now you are ready to go to the Second section!

The second thing you should do is go to, or just click this link.
Click the button in the middle to create a blog, then you would be directed to the google account login page, and choose your just-created-google-account a few moments ago. then here you go..

Just enter your desired blogger name.. you can not change it later .. and click continue to blogger.

Click "Create a new blog", enter the title of your blog and the URL (address), and choose the theme you like,
then click "create blog"... and there you go..
Click "new post" to start writing, and there are some tools on the left panel.

Try them up. maybe you will need to check the layout section first, to change the display of your blog. It's quite confusing at the beginning, but once you get used to it, it's actually pretty easy.

Well, it's simple and easy right? And again, it's totally free!

The 2nd simple way to make a website will be on the next post, since it's already a long post, considering we want to make everything simple, too long post is the opposite way.

Happy Blogging!
